Expectations and Responsibilities





Staff and students Students can expect:

  • An equal opportunity to learn.
  • Appropriate procedures for dealing with complaints and grievances which are clearly defined and easily accessible.
  • Privacy and confidentiality.
Students are expected to:

  • Treat fellow students and staff courteously, free from harassment of all kinds, including that based on gender, age, ethnicity, social background, disability, sexual preference or religious beliefs and customs.
  • Attempt to resolve issues through informal discussion before making a formal appeal or taking formal action.
  • Make themselves aware of the University’s procedures for complaints and grievances and use these procedures appropriately.
Academic requirements of programs Students can expect:

  • Teaching of a standard appropriate to a university.
  • Reasonable opportunities to provide feedback on teaching performance on teaching performance, course content, support services, facilities, or any other aspect of their experiences without fear of retribution.
  • Fair, timely and constructive feedback on their performances and progress.
  • Reasonable support from academic and general staff, when needed.
  • Current and accurate information about courses, programs, assessment and administrative procedures.
  • Assessment that provides an opportunity to demonstrate their learning.
  • For Higher Degree by Research students, provision of effective research management and supervision.
Students are expected to:

  • Provide honest and fair feedback to the teaching staff.
  • Pay attention to the information provided about courses, programs, assessment and administrative procedures.
  • Attend information sessions, and lectures, tutorials, workshops and practical sessions as required and access all relevant electronic information.
  • Constructively use the performance and progress feedback that is provided.
  • Be well prepared for classes by completing any required readings and preparatory tasks.
  • Regularly check and use the USQ student portal (UConnect) and UMail. It is recommended that students check their UMail at least weekly.
  • For Higher Degree by Research students, play an informed part in the planning and execution of a research project; maintaining progress according to agreed milestones and raising any issues in a timely manner.
School environment Students can expect:

  • A safe physical environment.
Students are expected to:

  • Use University facilities and equipment responsibly and follow safety guidelines.
  • This includes:
    • not placing themselves or others at risk of injury;
    • using any personal protective equipment provided by the University;
    • reporting hazards associated with their class or other activities to the relevant academic or professional staff member;
    • reporting incidents and injuries, even when they do not seem serious, to the relevant academic or professional staff member.
School  resources Students can expect:

  • Reasonable resources to support student learning.
Students are expected to:

  • Use resources such as library books, computers and laboratory facilities with due care and with consideration for the fair access of others.
Wellbeing of others Students can expect:

  • To communicate various perspectives and views in an environment where freedom of expression is respected.
  • To study in a harmonious learning environment.
Students are expected to:

  • Respect the rights of others to hold and express a range of viewpoints.
  • Express views with due consideration of the feelings of others and understanding of relevant ethical implications.
  • Communicate politely with others (including electronically).
  • Not disrupt the learning of others. [See also: Student Code of Conduct Policy]
Academic staff Students can expect:

  • Reasonable access to staff for individual consultation outside of class times (either in person, via phone or email).
Students are expected to:

  • Respect the rights of others to manage their time and balance competing responsibilities.
  • Adequately prepare for consultation and respond appropriately.
Equity and diversity Students can expect

  • Treatment in a non-discriminatory manner that takes into account individual circumstances such as disability or cultural diversity.
Students are expected to:

  • Make themselves aware of the services that are available.
  • Talk to Disability Resources or academic staff about any special circumstances that may affect academic performance, including learning disabilities and English language needs.
  • Recognise and affirm diversity, showing respect for both staff and fellow students at all times.
  • Disclose significant circumstances or situations likely to affect their performance, or where they need particular help, support or consideration.
Intellectual property and academic integrity Students can expect:

  • Information about intellectual property and plagiarism guidelines and consequences for non-compliance.
  • Have intellectual property rights recognised and respected.
Students are expected to:

  • Comply with academic integrity policy and procedures.
  • Fully acknowledge, and properly reference, the contribution of others in all work.
  • Familiarise themselves with the concepts of fair-dealing and plagiarism and duly acknowledge resources and assistance in producing projects, essays and other pieces of work.
Technology to support learning Students can expect:

  • Every course in which they are currently enrolled to have an up-to-date presence on USQStudyDesk.
  • USQStudyDesk to be functional at least 99.9% of the time, with no more than two outages per month.
  • Support to enable them to access and use online learning resources to be available between 8am and 5pm (EST), Mon-Fri, excluding Queensland public holidays and other days deemed as public holidays by the University.
  • All major announcements regarding their studies to be provided via their individual UMail accounts.
  • A safe online environment, free from abuse, vilification, personal attack and unwanted information.
Students are expected to:

  • Have access to a computer with minimum technical specifications as set out in the University’s recommendations for hardware and software.
  • Have a reasonable level of proficiency in the use of basic software applications used for sending and receiving emails, downloading and opening attachments, and any other specific software applications relevant to individual courses of study (details of which are contained in the course specifications).
  • Check their University email account (UMail) at least once a week and keep their mailbox within the size quota to ensure University mail can be delivered to the mailbox;
  • Use the University’s systems in accordance with the Acceptable Use of ICT Resources Policy.