The Certificates I-II in Spoken and Written English provide an EAL general education framework for learners to develop English language and literacy skills and optional numeracy skills to undertake further education and training, seek and maintain employment and participate in the general community.
The courses within the curriculum framework:
- are Australian accredited and meet the principles of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
- provide a common language for describing the characteristics of learners and course provision
- enable a systematic approach to the planning and provision of general education English language and literacy
- allow for variation in learning pace, course length, intensity and delivery mode
- use criterion-referenced assessment to assess learner achievement
- are based on a theory of language which systematically relates language to the contexts in which it is used
- describe progression in language learning in terms of interacting with increasingly demanding contexts of language use
- support explicitly and systematic teaching practice
- is delivered through face-to-face tuition
Certificate I in Spoken and Written English – CSWE I
- The learning focus is on beginning skills in spoken and written English. Nominal hours are 500 hours +50 hours of out-of-class study.
- Modules of Study: Basic Learning Strategies, Giving personal information, Comprehending spoken information and instructions, Comprehending and participating in short conversations, Comprehending written instructions and completing a short form, Comprehending and composing written descriptions, Comprehending and composing written recounts.